Update on Mail
Many accounts are able to read their mail now. We're still working on the documentation, and some mail is still waiting to be delivered, but here's a quick cheat until the docs are sent out: visit https://zimbra.anl.gov Login using the username "F...
Many accounts are able to read their mail now. We’re still working on the documentation, and some mail is still waiting to be delivered, but here’s a quick cheat until the docs are sent out:
- visit https://zimbra.anl.gov
- Login using the username “FOO-mcs” (where ‘FOO’ is your MCS username) and your Argonne domain password.
If it works, your mail has been transferred to the server. If it doesn’t, you’re still being synced.If you already had a zimbra account, we hit a snag syncing the data into the already existing account. We’re also writing up docs to show you how to do that. If you are trying to get to something urgent, please send me a note to either stace@mcs.anl.gov or stace@stace.com – either will get to me and I can help you out.So we’re not back quite yet, but are on track to be back to full speed this evening. A full post-mortem will come once we’re out of the urgency of the current situation. I’ll just say “the best laid plans…” and leave it at that.We’ll keep plugging away, and I hope to be able to send an “all clear” message soon. (In other news, all the power work yesterday went relatively well, everything came back on, and we have a new print server online as well. Details forthcoming.)