Sending and receiving attachments may not work
It seems that the Exchange server almost all of us are using is blocking attachments that have executable files. What this means is that if you receive a file (including a ZIP file) that contains a windows executable, or even an executable shell script, it’ll get blocked. It’s supposed to notify you of this, but that appears to not be working reliably at the moment.
I’m working with CIS on this (from both a policy and execution standpoint), but in the meantime if you don’t get an email you were expecting, it may be because it contains a “forbidden” attachment. In these cases, until we figure this out, you should work with the person sending the attachment to get the file via some other method, such as sharing via a file service (, Dropbox, Google, etc.) or send to an alternate account.
I’m really sorry about this — if I could turn it off right now I would, trust me. We’ll figure it out, though, and I’ll keep working with everyone involved to make sure the solution works for all sides. Please continue to let me know any issues you do come across. Thanks.