Technical notes on the DayForce rollout
As you may have heard, the lab is switching to a new system for time tracking. More announcements on that will be coming from others as we get closer to the switchover date, including training information.
In order to use the new app, there’s a piece of software (Citrix Receiver) that you need to have installed. We’ve already installed it on all the Macs we manage. If you self-manage your machine, however, it’s easy to install. The simplest way is to visit with your browser. It will detect if you have the app and offer to install it if necessary. Right now, this URL is only accessible from inside Argonne — I’m looking into whether or not this is intentional as I was led to believe this was an “access anywhere” solution.
The software is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS. (To install for Android or iOS, use the Google Play store or Apple App store and search for “Citrix Receiver”).
Documentation related to Dayforce can be found on Inside Argonne at including links to login to the system. You won’t be able to login to Dayforce until the division has been switched to use it, but there’s an “Inside Argonne” app there you can test things out with.
Specific instructions on the Citrix software can be found at including instructions on installing in Windows, Mac OS, Debian-based systems, and RPM-based systems. If using a mobile client, after opening the Citrix Receiver software, point it at for app and login information.