Gitlab Maintenance Complete: Proposed CIS Maintenance weekends for FY17.
First up, the Gitlab maintenance announced earlier today is complete. The UI is a bit different – seems to be a more unified interface between desktop/mobile, so if you don’t see what you expect, hit the “hamburger menu” up in the upper left corner.
Secondly, CIS has proposed the following potential maintenance weekends:
November 4-6, 2016
May 5-7, 2017 (APS Maintenance)
August 25-27, 2017 (APS Maintenance)
As noted, the May and August weekends are designed to coincide with APS Maintenance. There’s no set expectation of what is or isn’t going to be available for the above weekends, but here’s what you can expect:
* We (CELS) will likely time any upgrades we have to coincide with these.
* ANL business systems will likely be affected
* ANL network access could be affected, though that doesn’t necessarily affect MCS/LCF. But it might.
Bearing that in mind, please send me ( any objections to this maintenance schedule so I can forward up the chain.