Mail server maintenance
We have a (probably minor) disk error on one of our mail relay servers. It's a small enough problem that we're comfortable waiting to fix it, but serious enough that we want to get it soon. So we'll be performing some maintenance on the affected m...
We have a (probably minor) disk error on one of our mail relay servers. It’s a small enough problem that we’re comfortable waiting to fix it, but serious enough that we want to get it soon. So we’ll be performing some maintenance on the affected machine Sunday, February 4 2007 at 9AM. We’re going to specify the outage window as 9AM to 10AM, but there’s every likelihood that the outage will be less than a minute and entirely undectable.During the downtime, new mail coming to MCS will be delayed — nothing will be lost. Also, any users who use as their SMTP server (which should be most laptop users at this point) will be unable to send mail.Again, we expect the downtime to be minimal, but want to make sure we set expectations for a worst-case scenario.This concludes a day rather filled with announcements. Again, thanks for bearing with us through these growing pains. Our goal is to provide you with an environment that is as useful as possible for you, within the constraints that are placed upon us. There may be a Sysadmin Appreciation Day in July, but I declare this week to be User Appreciation Week, because you folks rock!So, in closing… Go Bears!