MCS Account Migration / E-Mail Migration Town Hall, 7/15, 2PM, 4301
Hey, all. In reference to the announcement in May on upcoming changes in the environment (, I’d like to hold a town hall so you can get some first hand demos on how things will be happening, an update on where we are in the process, and get a chance to address any concerns or questions you might have.
I’ve booked room 4301 (the seminar-style room) and will be giving a brief talk with some live demos on Monday, July 15, at 2PM. There’ll be plenty of time for questions. I promise that for any questions we don’t have the answers, we will construct suitably believable and entertaining lies that will assuage any fears.
Well, no, not really. But you should still come.
The room has seats for 30 people. If that proves inadequate, I’ll schedule a second session.