Compute server outage, Feb 14 2022, 9:30AM
On Monday, Feb 14, 9:30am CST, we will be taking down the following GCE compute nodes:,, and for system upgrades.
This upgrade will require about 4 hours of downtime. When they come back up, they will be running the most recent GCE compute/workstation build (Ubuntu 20.04). This will not affect data in your home or project directory, however no local data on the nodes will be retained. Please remember /scratch is ephemeral storage, can disappear at any time, and is not backed up. Please make sure you copy any data in that location to somewhere else prior to the downtime.
We’re actually reconfiguring hardware that’s been repurposed from Legacy, so some machines will be moving around. After this work is done, we’ll update with the current configurations, and release (big memory machine, formerly at that time.