Outdated OS and external connectivity.
This is an update/followup to this post: http://wp.me/p3jwfN-5Z
As older versions of operating systems and browsers stop being supported, the lab will be blocking their access to external sites to help prevent malicious sites from exploiting unpatched security issues. Windows XP has been blocked since April, for instance, as have older versions of Mac OS. (This blocking is implemented on the lab’s wireless networks and VPN. The MCS wired desktop network does not *currently* block this traffic.)
The following additions have been made to the lab’s blocking policy. Allowable versions are listed below — if you’re running an older version, you will need to update. Machines that are maintained by Systems will be up to date, so this really only applies to self-managed machines.
* Mac OS 10.7.5 and newer are allowed
* Mac OS 10.8.5 and newer are allowed
* Mac OS 10.9.2 and newer are allowed — note 10.9.3 was just released, so this may change to reflect that in not too long.
* Java 1.7.0_55 and newer
* Java 1.8.0
* Chrome 33.0 and newer
* Firefox 24.0 (primarily included for linux distributions that have patches included, v25-27 are blocked) * Firefox 28.0 and newer
We’ll send reminders on this from time to time, but in general you should know if you’re being blocked due to outdated software.