COMPLETED: JIRA maintenance window
Maintenance of our JIRA service has been completed. Please let us know if you encounter any issues by emailing [email protected] – CELS Systems
CELS Virtual Helpdesk
CELS Shared Services Systems Group
Maintenance of our JIRA service has been completed. Please let us know if you encounter any issues by emailing [email protected] – CELS Systems
Beginning work on our JIRA service at Service will be disrupted during this maintenance window. Service is expected to be restored by 19:00 CDT and may be available sooner than that. We will send a followup email upon completion of the work. – CELS Systems
A maintenance window of our JIRA service has been planned for 2019-05-14 at 17:00 CDT in order to update the software. JIRA service provided by will be unavailable during this maintenance window. Service is expected to be restored by 2019-05-14 19:00 CDT, and may be available sooner than that. If this window poses undue …
If you get a message claiming to be from Pete Beckman asking for your contact info, don’t. It’s not Pete. The big test is that Pete’s address is not kelvindors on gmail. The second test is that Pete’s promised me when he sends mail to the lab asking for info, he’ll include a secret handshake …
Maintenance of our Confluence service has been completed. Please let us know if you encounter any issues by emailing [email protected] – CELS Systems
The MCS login nodes will be updated to Ubuntu 16.04. login4 will be updated Tuesday April 30th. Login1-3 will be updated next week.
Beginning work on our Confluence service at Service will be disrupted during this maintenance window. Service is expected to be restored by 17:15 CDT and may be available sooner than that. We will send a followup email upon completion of the work. – CELS Systems
To perform some updates on our Confluence database, we will need to shut the service down for a short window this evening. Confluence will be unavailable from 17:00 CDT to about 17:15 CDT this evening. – CELS Systems
Maintenance of our GitLab services has been completed. Please let us know if you encounter any issues by emailing [email protected] – CELS Systems
Beginning work to update our GitLab services at and Services will be disrupted during this maintenance window. Service is expected to be restored by 13:00 CST and may be available sooner than that. We will send a followup email upon completion of the work. – CELS Systems