Slides from today's town hall.
I expect there will be a second town hall for those who couldn’t make it. Right now July 24th at 2PM is winning for the followup session. I’ll make an announcement tomorrow as to the final time. ANL AD.pdf
CELS Virtual Helpdesk
CELS Shared Services Systems Group
I expect there will be a second town hall for those who couldn’t make it. Right now July 24th at 2PM is winning for the followup session. I’ll make an announcement tomorrow as to the final time. ANL AD.pdf
Reminder that this is happening this afternoon at 2PM. If you can’t make it to this one, fill out this Doodle poll for times that would work for a followup session. If there’s adequate demand, I’ll schedule another one based off that feedback.
A user had her gmail account compromised and it was used to send out a malicious phishing mail. The URL appeared to go to Google Drive, but really went to a phishing site. It’s blocked at ANL, but obviously not from offsite. If you visited that URL and entered any information, please let us know …
The message before is spam and malicious. Do not follow the link. From: Argonne National Laboratory <[email protected]> Sent: Mon Jul 08 18:57:31 CDT 2013 Subject: Hello Latest news and updates are now available at the Argonne National Laboratory news center. All recipients of this notification should please lo-gin for more information using the link below. …
Hey, all. In reference to the announcement in May on upcoming changes in the environment (, I’d like to hold a town hall so you can get some first hand demos on how things will be happening, an update on where we are in the process, and get a chance to address any concerns or …
The new MCS website is now live at This website is being run by CIS on their Drupal servers (the same infrastructure that runs Sites beyond the first level, such as personal webpages and project home pages, are still being hosted where they were previously. More information will be coming soon as to how to …
Please see the enclosed notes from the Zimbra admin team. Thanks! Saturday, May 25, we will be upgrading the Zimbra servers: OS patching and maintenance will be done more memory will be added to each server Zimbra will be upgraded from 7.2.2 to 7.2.3 The maintenance window for this procedure will begin at 9am on …
Hey, all. We’ve got some upcoming changes in the MCS IT landscape over the rest of this calendar year, and it’s probably time to announce them to everyone at large. So, without further ado, let’s get right to it. 1) Argonne is phasing out Zimbra and migrating all Argonne Zimbra users to Microsoft Exchange. Over …
Please see this note regarding an outage of the on-site wireless network tomorrow morning. If you’re not going to be here, no worries. If you will be onsite, you can expect a brief interruption in wifi service. > On Saturday, May 18 from 7am-11am, We will perform system maintenance on the Argonne Unified Wireless Network …
At 3:00pm today the Jenkins Continuous Integration server ( will be rebooted in order to patch a kernel vulnerability that is being exploited. The outage should last approximately 15 minutes. Only users of that system will be affected.