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Print from a Mac?

The Canon copier/printers are supported by BIS.  You can obtain support via x9999, https://vector.anl.gov or [email protected]. The instructions below should help anyone with a self-managed machine.

This list may not be complete, but contains most supported printers in building 240.

Printer NameFloorLocationModelNotes
Fillmore11F8Canon IR 5535Color
CrystalLake11180 (West Oasis)Canon IR 6565Fax, B/W
DaltonCity11144 (Near vending)Canon IR 4535
Famersville22D11Canon IR 5535Color
KlamathFalls2(West Oasis)Canon IR 4535B/W
Countryside33168 (East Oasis)Canon IR 6565Fax, B/W
EllisGrove33180 (Center Oasis)Canon IR 5535Color
LaCrosse3(West Oasis)Canon IR 5535
Dakota44165 (East Oasis)Canon IR 6565B/W
Enfield44171 (Center Oasis)Canon IR 5535Color
Olympia4(West Oasis)Canon IR 5535
Dekalb55168 (East Oasis)Canon IR 4545Fax, B/W
Compton55185Canon IR 5535
NiagaraFalls55C5Canon IR 5535
Brainard66A20Canon IR 4535
Mobridge66C7Canon IR 5535
Oshkosh66D22Canon IR 5535
Kayenta77E17Canon IR 5550
Pocatello77D23Canon IR 6565

Uniflow Secure Print is the preferred method to print around the Lab. You can retrieve your print job from any canon printer onsite.  This is especially recommended for sensitive print jobs, as it will not print until you arrive and request it.  You will need to register your prox card initially, but once you’ve done that you can simply tap your card, select “Secure Print” and choose the job you want to print.

The Uniflow driver can be installed via Self Service. Full instructions can be found here.

If you do not want to use Uniflow, you can add the printer you want via the IPP tab in your printer dialog, using the address printers.anl.gov, LPD protocol, and the queue name being the printer you want.  This method is entirely unsupported, and this information is provided as a workaround for those who want it.  See here for more info.