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  5. Inviting Collaborators

Inviting Collaborators

Please see here for account types and requirements.  Please note, only Argonne employees are eligible for Full Member and any other collaborators will have to be added by Slack Connect or as Guests.

Slack’s documentation on this process can be found here.

If you are using desktop Slack, the below methods should work.

  • /invite @username will add someone who is already on our Slack workspace to your channel.  If the channel is private, this is the only way new members can be added.
  • /invite_people [email protected] will invite anyone who is not currently on our Slack workspace to join the channel.  When you invite an external user, you get three options:
    • Full Member: Only use this if the person is already in CELS.  Joining the workspace as a full member incurs the licensing cost for that user, as well as gives them unfettered access to all public channels in Slack.
    • Multi-Channel Guest: This option will invite the collaborator only to the channels you specify.  They will be able to Direct Message people on the Slack Workspace but will only be members of the specific channels in the invitation. This also increases our licensed user count.
    • Single-Channel Guest: This option invites the collaborator to a single channel only.  They will be able to Direct Message people on our Workspace. These users are free and do not incur any licensing costs.

If you have a need to share with a large number of people in a separate organization and they have a Slack Workspace on a paid plan, you may be able to share a channel with them.